Wednesday 22 February 2017

Futuristic Motorcycle- The Bullet Motorcycle with safety

Motorcycle is a familiar transport to people ever since 1885. It was a convenient transport but unlike bicycles which are eco-friendly, motorcycle was powered up by petroleum. But compared to cars or others heavy vehicles, motorcycle produce less exhaust as the petroleum it needed was lesser than the others. The major negative point of motorcycle is the safety features for it. People have come out with an idea of a helmet to protect the rider’s head, but sometimes not only the head just have to be protected. People are just focusing on the speed of the motorcycle. Their concern is always on how to make it go faster? What kind of design that will attract people? To me, what motorcycles need the most is more safety so that motorcyclist able to ride on road with ease. Well maybe in the future, there will be a motorcycle where people can ride it without any worries.

A motorcycle with a rooftop to protect the rider from sunlight and rain, an airbag will also be install, just like a car. If one is concern is about the balancing, there will be a magnetic waves so that it can be stabilise and will not fall easily. And with the magnetic waves, people who love fast able to ride as fast as they want as the motorcycle did not produce any friction against the ground. Petroleum will be drained if we keep using it as our resources continuously as it will not only be one person using it, but all of the people in earth will be using it. If the motorcycle uses electricity as fuel, it might not able to run out but it will be costly. As well as if we use water as fuel, water is important to any living things on earth, and it will be somehow limited in the future, so it might end up costly too or finish its resources. Thus, a solar powered motorcycle is a better choice as sunlight is unlimited resource. If one is worried when it was cloudy or rainy for days? It is not a problem as the power can be store up to weeks depends on how much the rider used.

In the future, if you were going to be late for work and driving a car will be even worse as it will sure have to face the major traffic conjunction, thus riding a motorcycle would be a better option. With just a few command, you can see that your motorcycle coming in a speed of the light, you hope on it, fasten your seatbelt and off you go. After you command your motorcycle to your destination, you have your light breakfast first. Due to the motorcycle uses magnetic waves, it does not touch the ground when it moves, so it will not have any shakiness during the ride. Halfway during your journey, the sky started pouring cats and dogs, but luckily your motorcycle has a rooftop to protect you from getting wet. Later, maybe it was because of the weather condition, a car did not notice you and hit you with your motorcycle straight into it. With the help of the magnetic waves, it did not lose its balance, it just ski through but did not fall of balance, meanwhile inside you did not get hurt as well as the interior was covered by cushion so that you will not get hurt even though it will not even fall. After some minor confrontation, you continue your journey back to work. After it reach your destination, you get off of it, it went to find its own parking spot, and after finding a parking spot, it will be starting to absorb as much sunlight as possible even though when the weather condition is bad. After you finish your work, you want to release all your stress which you accumulate for the day, you command your destination and it appear right before your eyes, and you command it to go to your destination, you just sit back and relax for a moment. In a short period of time, it reaches a remote but spacious space, and with your few command, the rooftop was open and it became manually controlled. You wanted to feel the air when you were speeding so you can put all your stress away.  When you feel satisfy, it will return to automatic mood so you can take your ride home comfortably without worrying about the traffic. 

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